This is Kexin :D
I am a passionate HCI/AI Researcher with more than 3 years of experience in human-centered studies and with strong coding skills (Python, R, Machine Learning). I am curious about and interested in human-centered NLP/AI research in understanding ways to bring human-centered thinking to create interactive tools, thus better-supporting communities and special populations.
My HCI interests were brought by my first undergrad lab experience, where I worked with Prof. Yingqing Xu at Tsinghua University, the Future Lab. I was intrigued by the potential power that Human-AI could bring to humans, thus I continued to explore more. Later on, I joined the UCSD Design Lab, working with Prof. Steven Dow and Prof. Stephen MacNeil. Currently, I am a visiting researcher at Cornell DesignAI Group, working with Prof. Qian Yang; I also continued my research studies with Prof. Stephen MacNeil at Temple HCI LAB.
What I've accomplished:
My Publications:
[1] Anonymous Authors (As the 2nd author). 2023. Calibrating Clinicians’ Trust in AI Using Biomedical Literature. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Submitted for CHI'23)
[2] S. MacNeil, Z. Ding, K. Quan, T. J. Parashos, Y. Sun, S. P. Dow. Creative Work: Helping Novices Frame Better Problems through Interactive Scaffolding. In Proceedings of the 2021 Conferences on Creativity and Cognition (C&C’21), Online, 2021.
[3] S. MacNeil, Z. Ding, K. Quan, Z. Huang, K. Chen, S. P. Dow. ProbMap: Automatically Constructing Design Galleries through Feature Extraction and Semantic Clustering. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2021 Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’21 Demo), Online, 2021.
Sept. 2022 | Submitted our clinician decision-suggestion systems work to CHI'23. Hooray!!
Mar. 2022 | Joined Cornell University (DesignAI Group). Glad to work with Prof. Qian Yang!
Mar. 2022 | Joined Temple University (The HCI Lab). It's great to co-work with Prof. Stephen MacNeil again!
Sept. 2021 | Started my ECE Master Program at UCSD (Machine Learning & Data Science)
Aug. 2021 | Presented my work and finished my first industry internship at Axos Bank!
July 2021 | Our ProbMap demo paper got accepted at UIST 2021.
May. 2021 | Started my summer internship as a Data Analyst at Axos Bank.
Apr. 2021 | Our ProbLib paper got accepted at C&C 2021.
Mar. 2021 | Finished my undergrad studies and successfully graduated from UCSD!